Anglo Saxon force for Ravenfeast

Following on from the previous post here is some Anglo-Saxon opponents for the Vikings. Again they are all Baccus figures and based on 20mm bases with 2-3 ranks per base depending on the troop type. They were originally based for DBA (see here) but I decided not to go with DBA and rebased them for Ravenfeast, which meant painting another 60 odd figures.

This army consists of the following bases

3 x Commanders
4 x Heathguard
9 x Fyrd
8 x Veteran Fyrd
4 x Archers
3 x Mounted Huscarls

There isn’t a lot of difference between the different Fyrd bases so I used a Huscarl strip in the front rank of the Veteran Fyrd, and slightly more figures on average per base. Apart from the command bases I still have to add some flags, tufts and bushes to spice up the bases a bit.

I also need to make a camp and some other dark ages terrain for this period, and then I can finally start playing!

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