Dark Ages Vikings for Ravenfeast

It’s taken a while for me to post this finished Dark Ages viking army for Ravenfeast. The figures were originally based for DBA but then I discovered Ravenfeast, which I find that it has more of a Dark ages flavour, so they were rebased and more figures painted. All the figures are Baccus and are mostly from their Viking range along with a few Late Roman and Dark ages figures for the scouts and archers.

After taking the pictures I realised they could do with some tufts and bushes on the bases and some flags/standards.

I finished the army back in October and I tried some photos but they didn’t come out well, so here is a better attempt. I wen through the 1066 scenarios that have been produced for Ravensfeast and came up with the following list which has the maximum of any troop type, I could have proxied more of these but I’m sure these can be used for other games.

3 x Commanders
5 x Huscarls
1 x Beserker
15 x Bondi
4 x Bow
4 x Scouts (mix of javelin and foot)
3 x Saxons (will proxy from others)
3 x Scot spear (will proxy from others)

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