FPW French Generals and staff

Around November last year I finished this batch of 27 FPW General figures, and they have been waiting to be based and photographed since then. Also finished were a batch of French Chasseurs and I’ll post a separate post for them soonish.

The figures are from the Baccus FPW range and it is part of a project I started over 7 years ago which I would really like to finish! I think this will be enough generals for most games although I still have a few more unpainted strips in the pile. I used the same bright colours as my French infantry which is not an accurate shade of blue, but it looks effective from 2ft away and for this scale of figure.

The generals and staff are on plastic tiddlywinks discs which I have quite a lot of spare, and the size (20mm diameter) is just right for the bases. I glued some steel paper to the bottom (the whole army so far is mounted on steel paper) which makes storage easier. The figures are based in 1s, 2s and 3s to represent Brigade, Divisional and Corp Generals.

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