January workbench

Its been a slow start to 2024 with regards to painting but I have been concentrating on completing a few terrain and basing projects which have been lingering.

Missile Threat bases

After a game of Missile Threat I decided to add some dice holders for speed and altitude to my aircraft stands. The stands are 50mm square washers (called soakers) and provide a very stable platform for the aircraft. I use Woodland scenics tree bases with a piece of 3/16″ rod inserted and this kind of base has served me very well for gaming purposes (the planes rarely get knocked over despite my best efforts). I have a few hundreds 6mm dice spare which are intended for a 2mm Napoleonic project and I repurposed the dice holders from those to the aircraft bases. I cut away some of the ground cover and added the dice holder. I’ll reapply the ground cover and flock as there is a few different types of flock I have used over the years on the bases.


And every wargamer needs more trees so I have created a batch of new trees for my terrain board. The armatures are Woodland Scenics and a hole was drilled into the trunk and a cut off pin inserted with a bit of glue and force. There is a few cheap ebay wire trees which I added more flock to, and untwisted the wire and added a pin and retwisted it. Finally some green stuff was sculpted around the base to thicken the trunk and hide any messy bits.

Medieval village

And another project which I started was doing something with is my medieval buildings. I mapped out a rough outline for the buildings and roads which conveniently matches the tracks on my 1ft skirmish board. I used a plastic cover from a file book as it has a rough texture and it should look a lot like stones once its painted. I’ll mount it to plasticard and add details etc, but I will probably allow the buildings removable.

I also purchased the second kickstarter of these buildings and they should arrive in a few weeks so I will plan more village sections once those arrive.

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