The path to madness begins here

Although I’m a 6mm fan I have never gone down the track of individually based 6mm figures and skirmish games with them, until the last few days that is. I was looking at my fantasy figures and thinking about mass battles and it occurred to me that I could use these for skirmish games. I’ve written the idea off before mostly due to the small size and whether or not I could identify them on a table (some of that is due to my eyesight deteriorating once I hit 40). But looking again at the figures I realised they are still identifiable as individual figures and this could be an option.

The next obstacle was a set of rules and I didn’t necessarily want to repeat a skirmish period that I already play in a larger scale but like a lot of gamers, there is not enough time and too many periods and campaigns that I want to do. So I decided on Songs of Blades and Heroes which I have played a lot over the years and really enjoy them, but it has always been one off games, so this is a great opportunity to play a campaign.

So after searching through my collection I came up with potentially 5 different warbands – Wood Elves, Human knights, Dwarves, High Elves and Man Orcs. They are all based on what I have already, because ordering anything to NZ takes a while and I need to satisfy my impulses! I’m a bit short on evil forces but I have enough to put together a warband, and even with more points than I need, its still less than 12 figures. I’ve added a few extras like a magic user, standard bearer and a couple of bigger creatures/mounted figures per warband.

The first 3 warbands are

  • Dragon Knights (Perfect Six) with a couple of Baccus Elven archers and a Irregular wizard
  • Wood Elves (Microworld) with an Irregular giant eagle and mounted Character
  • Evil guys (who need a better name) mostly Irregular Man orc figures with some Microworld samples (Dread Alliance ogres) and a magician on a flying carpet.

The rest of the warbands I’m still working on and I’d rather get the ones above on the table quickly and build new warbands later. And painting up a new warband of10-12 figures will not take long, even though I’m trying to paint them to a higher standard than I would normally for 6mm figures.

All the smaller figures are mounted on 10mm washers but with the green stuff the base is closer to 11-12mm in size. The larger figures are on old NZ and Aus 1 cent coins (which are not magnetic) and are about 18mm diameter.

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