WW2 Desert games

One of my objectives for the year was to play more games and even blog about them! Back in April a group of friends convened at a lovely seaside town in NZ called Raglan which is famous for its surfing. However we were there for more serious pursuits and hired a house to wargame in. It was different to the previous place which was not available and this one was a near new house, with a cafe next door! However we did get a few strange looks as the main living area where the table was setup was right by the road, and everyone walking past could see what we were doing (but were probably not sure what exactly was going on).

The main 6mm game was loosely based on Operation Crusader during the Desert war using an adaptation of the Modern Sabre Squadron rules. There was a few OOB changes to suit our collections and some of the support weapons were not there mostly because the player who organised it couldn’t be bothered with them.

The first game was massed battle with 6 players – 3 British and 2 German and one Italian player. There was meant to be a flank march but it got canned so it ended up being a massive line up and shoot each other game. Whilst those kind of games can be fun, it was a shame there wasn’t a bit more effort put into the scenario as the game was a somewhat one dimensional. However it was still a good chance to enjoy a game of that scale with some friendly banter thrown in.

We finished the game when it was obvious the Italian were not going to stop the masses of Matilda tanks with their gun being ineffective against the thick armour.

Unfortunately I didn’t take enough notes during the games to write a full report so here is some photos of the games with captions.

Since we still had time on the day before the drinking and eating resumed, we knocked together a quick convoy escort style game using lighter forces (which had been sidelined by all the tanks in the main game). The German supply column escorted by recon units, had to drive across the table to reach their supply depot which was defended by some infantry and AT guns. The British had a mix of Humber Armoured cars, Marmon Herrington cars and some MkVIB Light tanks, which all rolled to see when they would arrive and where on the table. This worked well however the British 15mm machine guns were outclassed by the 20mm autocannons and they struggled to get close to the German Armoured cars to destroy them. Eventually the German convoy reached the supply depot and were declared the winners.

Again I was too involved in the game to take photos so here’s what I can rustle up.

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